Best Parenting Books FAQs

The Best Parenting Books collection was written by Frank Dixon who’s a parenting and child development specialist. After facing many obstacles and challenges during his own childhood,  Dixon dedicated his career to helping parents raise happy, healthy children by writing a series of books.

All the books from the Best Parenting series are the brainchild of Frank Dixon. They have all been published many times over and become very helpful for parents and caregivers in raising happy and confident kids.

Frank Dixon’s series of works on parenting cover a wide range of ages, from birth to early adulthood, and a huge array of tips and offers a variety of tips for a huge range of parenting methods and skills that every parent will find valuable and applicable to their circumstances.

All of our books are available as paperbacks and in kindle format on Amazon as well as on Audible as audiobooks.

If you sign up to receive information from us, you will always be up to date with the latest on our publications and also on many developments in the field of parenting and child psychology. Right now, we are also offering a free gift to everyone who signs up – a book entitled “Learn the Top 10 Parenting Skills to Raising Extraordinary Kids!”.

A good parenting book should be challenging yet consoling and remind us that being a good parent who is present, kind, forgiving to their children, we must first learn to be all of these things to ourselves. 

No, parenting books can be of benefit to any parent at any stage of raising a child regardless of whether you are currently facing a challenging moment or not. All parents want to raise extraordinary children who succeed in life by being an effective advisor and guardian to them. My books are full of actionable advice and applicable in all situations.

Parenting nowadays is not what it used to be even in your parents or their parents and grand-parents generations. It has evolved alongside the family structures and hierarchies. Kids were literally raised by ‘the whole village’ within close knit communities and with help from family, relatives and friends. Nowadays, we live further apart and kids are taught different values. Modern families can take many shapes and forms and we can do with all the extra help to raise our children, including in books such as the ‘Best Parenting’ series.

As parents we all want our children to be happy and successful but very often best intentions could end up having the opposite effect. In our books we aim to teach parents not how to ‘make’ their kids happy but rather to help them develop social skills in their children (such as emotional regulation, anger management, communication, discipline and independence) that will set them in the right path to grow up and become balanced and successful adults in the future.

Frank had a very difficult childhood and if it wasn’t for his perseverance and clarity of mind, his life could’ve turned out very differently. That’s why he has dedicated his career to giving advice to parents of babies, toddlers and teenagers to help them raise independent, confident and successful children.

Even though we base a lot of our arguments and research in modern developmental psychology findings,the Best Parenting Books series are also very practical in their approach. We give you specific advice and help you develop skills that will help you not just to understand your child better but to also support and help them to develop to their fullest and best potential, all day, every day.

You can read a preview for each of the books in the series when you go to Frank’s page on Amazon. In addition you can also read the reviews that other readers have left, ask a question or check out the testimonials on the website.

The insights and practical advice in the Best Parenting Books series can be of great benefit not only to parents but also to grandparents, other family members and caregivers, teachers and everyone who has a vested interest in the upbringing of a happy and confident child.

These books are written to be used over and over again, so it’s best to think of them as reference sources and not as something you read once and then put it back on the shelf to be forgotten. You can use them over and over again, because depending on the situation you will come to appreciate different parts of the books in more detail and from different perspectives as time goes by.

Yes, absolutely. You don’t have to be an expert or even familiar with any concepts of children’s psychology. We give you easy to follow guides, without confusing lingo so you can raise resilient and confident children and banish negativity from their (and your) lives forever.